
Professional Accountants | Secundes


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To Claim or Not to Claim VAT, That Is…

Some vehicles you cannot claim VAT on, some you can—and knowing the difference can save you a lot of money. When can you claim input VAT on a vehicle? Most businesses that are registered for VAT will be aware that ...

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Travel claims, but no allowance?

For commission-earners and the self-employed, the rules are slightly different but travel costs can be claimed. The mistake that I make when writing articles about travel allowances is that I tend to forget that not all of us are ‘wage ...

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What to do if you owe SARS money

Owing money to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) can be stressful, but don’t panic. By understanding your options and taking prompt action, you can resolve the issue and minimise the impact. This guide will equip you with the knowledge ...

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