
Professional Accountants | Secundes

To Claim or Not to Claim VAT, That Is…

Some vehicles you cannot claim VAT on, some you can—and knowing the difference can save you a lot of money. When can you claim input VAT on a vehicle? Most businesses that are registered for VAT will be aware that you generally cannot claim input VAT on the purchase of a ‘motor car’ as defined […]

Compensation for Losses: Which ‘Hole’ is Filled?

Many taxpayers assume that compensation for losses is of a capital nature. It depends… There are no hard and fast rules for determining whether a particular gain is of a capital or a revenue nature. Each case needs to be decided on its own facts. The distinction is important because of the lower effective rate […]

Secundes: Where Values Translate into Value

In accounting, numbers often speak louder than words. However, our firm is not just about numbers; we’re about living up to the values that shape our culture and enhance the service we deliver to our clients. We believe that the essence of true value lies not just in the services we provide but in the […]

Ring-Fencing Trading Losses

Top-rate taxpayers need to watch out for Section 20A SECTION 20 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 deals with the set-off of losses from a trade against other income.  In general, such set-off is allowed (see sub-paragraph (1)(b)), provided that the loss is incurred in the taxpayer’s own name (i.e. not in a […]

Taxing Employer-Paid Gratuities

It’s not only your retirement fund that may pay out when you decide to call it a day. Some time ago I wrote a series of articles dealing with the various payments that an employee might receive when leaving an employer. However, while those articles dealt mostly with what went wrong between the former employer […]

Avoid Tax Fines with Secundes

Understanding and adhering to the regulations set forth by the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is paramount for both individuals and companies to ensure tax compliance. Administrative penalties, as outlined under section 210 of the Tax Administration Act (TAA), can serve as a hefty price for non-compliance. These penalties are not just a nuisance but […]

Paying Salaries: What Can Go Wrong?

South African businesses face unique payroll challenges. From strict regulatory requirements to the specific needs of a diverse workforce, managing payroll requires precision, understanding, and the right approach. Here are some critical payroll mistakes businesses often encounter and our expert advice on how to avoid them: Misclassifying employees In South Africa, the distinction between independent […]

The Business of Business Travel

Business travel means different things to SARS than to taxpayers. While it has been compulsory for recipients of travel allowances to substantiate their claims by means of a detailed logbook for some years, it has become ever more critical to understand exactly what SARS understands by the term ‘business travel’. The simple reason for making […]

Maximising Wealth, Minimising Tax

A comparative look at retirement annuities versus tax-free savings accounts. When it comes to personal finance, every individual has different needs, dreams and financial goals, as well as different pathways to achieving those objectives. One of the most common long-term ambitions shared by many South Africans is to retire comfortably—to live confidently, knowing that there […]

Beneficial Ownership in South African Trusts: Recent Developments and Regulations in 2024

The concept of beneficial ownership in trusts within South Africa has undergone significant changes, particularly with new regulations coming into effect in 2023 and 2024. These changes aim to improve transparency in trust management and ownership, aligning with international standards to combat financial crimes like money laundering and tax evasion. Key Legislative and Regulatory Changes: […]

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