
Professional Accountants | Secundes

Dividends in trading and investing

Dividend investing can be a solid strategy, so it’s worth knowing how dividends work What is a dividend? A dividend is a payment made by a company to its shareholders. Dividends are usually paid at a specific frequency—quarterly, semi-annually, or yearly. The size and payment of a dividend is determined by a company’s board of […]

Travel claims, but no allowance?

For commission-earners and the self-employed, the rules are slightly different—but travel costs can be claimed. The common mistake that I make when writing articles about travel allowances is that I tend to forget that not all of us are ‘wage slaves’. Indeed, there are many taxpayers for whom the saying, “If a man will not […]

Tax compliance lives beyond death

A deceased estate takes on a (tax) life of its own while being wound up I started my first job back in September 1987 at the tender age of 18, and approximately nine months later I received my very first income tax return from the Receiver of Revenue (as SARS was known in those days), […]

When performance fees punish

Six nasty hidden pitfalls that hammer your investments Performance fees are becoming an increasingly popular method of charging among asset managers—but there are nasty hidden pitfalls in calculations that can cost investors dearly. A growing number of asset management companies are turning to performance fees as an alternative to fees as a percentage of assets […]

When SARS requests supporting documents

E-filing doesn’t allow ‘secured’ or password-protected documents to be uploaded—but there is a solution. Following SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter’s announcement that he intends to rebuild SARS’ enforcement capabilities as part of his quest to become the scourge of recalcitrant taxpayers, there has been a noticeable increase in requests from SARS for the submission of supporting […]

Ceasing tax residency: Changes on the horizon for interest and capital gains

Section 9H of the Income Tax Act provides that a natural person’s year of assessment is deemed to have ended on the date immediately before the day on which that person ceased to be a resident for South African tax purposes. Furthermore, that person’s subsequent tax year is deemed to commence on the day that […]

Your retirement ‘gift’ to SARS

Tax payable on your retirement lump sum When you actually retire from a retirement fund, the rules are a bit different – and SARS gives you a bit more of a break. Definition of retirement In the ‘good old days,’ retirement meant that you had reached a certain stage where you stopped working, had a […]

Section 42: Asset-for-share transactions

It is often the case that South African tax resident shareholders wish to reorganise their South African group of companies, for a multitude of commercial reasons, without the ultimate shareholders changing. One of these could potentially be to create a single holding company structure. Various group relief provisions are contained in the Income Tax Act […]

Home office expenditure

Taxpayers who are salaried employees have limited deductions available to them. However, home office expenditure can be claimed as an income tax deduction, but the onus is on the taxpayer to prove that the expenses are in fact deductible. For employment to constitute a “trade” and to qualify to deduct home office expenditure, the taxpayer […]

Wear-and-tear allowance

Capital expenditure incurred in the production of income and in carrying on of a trade does not qualify for a deduction under the so-called general deduction formula in section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962 (the Act). The Act does, however, grant deductions or allowances for specific types of capital expenditure […]

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