Professional Accountants | Secundes

Expenses Must Be Intended to Produce Taxable Income

To successfully deduct an expense, there must be a link to earning taxable income. Section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act, the so-called ‘general deduction formula’, seems to have produced more court cases than virtually any other Section of the Act. And each time, the courts tell us the same thing: In order for you […]

The Business of Business Travel

Business travel means different things to SARS than to taxpayers. While it has been compulsory for recipients of travel allowances to substantiate their claims by means of a detailed logbook for some years, it has become ever more critical to understand exactly what SARS understands by the term ‘business travel’. The simple reason for making […]

Tax breaks for retirement funding

While there are very few tax breaks for individuals, some huge ones are available for retirement funding. Retirement tax breaks in South Africa are designed to incentivise individuals to save for retirement and provide them with tax relief on contributions to retirement funds.  The government has implemented various tax incentives over the years to encourage […]

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